The Power Of Creation

You are invited to be one of only 20 people to learn the most powerful, effective manifestation methods in the world

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You Are Invited To The Power Of Creation

by Michael Mackintosh - #1 Best Selling Author

Join This Exclusive Group

& Start Manifesting Your Pure Desires Today

You are invited

To join a special elite group of conscious creators who are mastering themselves and creating what they want.

This rare opportunity is limited to only 20 people

You will get exclusive access to the first edition of the new book ‘The Power of Creation’ from #1 Best Selling Author Michael Mackintosh.

And you will become a contributor to this book, and get your name in the book and your questions and input will go into the book.

How it works

Right now I’m writing my new book The Power of Creation: The most complete and powerful conscious creation guide in the world.

Every week you’ll get a brand new chapter to read and practice.
It’s so new that it is not even edited and I’ll also be upgrading the text during that week to include any questions you have.  I’ve written the first 5 1/2 chapter already.

You can personally ask questions about the process which will be included and incorporated into the book.

You will get your name in the book and be credited as a contributor.

You will receive special brand new manifestation mediations to help you with your manifestation process.

By doing this, you will help yourself manifest what you want. You will help others by supporting the book and the process and frankly, you will help me to get it done and get it out there faster – thanks to you.

Proof it works

I’ve used this to manifest so my things in my life including:  a dream relationship with my now wife, Arielle, millions of dollars for my companies, two cars (given to me), 3 houses, 2 iPads (won), countless coaching clients and students, over 700,000+ downloads for my mediations, #1 best selling books, great health, ability travel to amazing places whenever I want, freedom to do what I want on my own terms…and the list goes on.

Join This Exclusive Group

& Start Manifesting Your Pure Desires Today

What do you want to create?

You are invited to be one of only 20 people to learn the most powerful, effective manifestation methods in the world

Click here to get started