Would you love to spend more time in nature, enjoying yourself AND be super productive each day?
Most creative people get obsessed with their work… and work all day long, all the time. And while this is great, we also need to be refreshed and make ourselves strong FIRST before we try and help others. I’ve always found that my own best work comes after a period of refreshment and inner nourishment. And my worst work is usually at the end of a long day or long week when I’m tired and cranky.
To be inspired and stay successful, there is simply no other method than to prioritize ‘me’ time – so we can focus on what matters most. Having LESS time to do our work also forces us to stay focused on the main things and not waste time in constant Facebook, E-mail and Youtube.
Watch this video to learn more.
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The truth is, sometimes in life we do need to work more and the path to sustainable success does come with hard work and determined focus! However, if you find yourself getting distracted while you’re supposed to be working with things like social media and other nonsense on the internet, it’s a good sign you really need a break! In this video you’ll get a sense of a work flow we had when we were on vacation at the Grand Canyon.
Yes, we did work less at this time and spent even more time in nature. Sometimes in your life you can do this, sometimes you may need to work more. The point is, make sure to take some time off and arrange your day in a way that really nourishes and supports you to be your best. : )
Many blessings and lots of love!
Who else needs to work less?
You can change someone’s life and be cool. Share it with the world 🙂 Oh YEAH!
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Want to get more done in less time?
We created the 21 day challenge to help creative people get on their mission, faster and with less stress. Try it yourself! YAY!
How can you do less and get out more?