Most self help books prescribe various methods to change your life in the hope that once things have changed, you’ll finally feel better. But in many cases these methods simply don’t work. Try all we might, things still don’t seem to get much better – even when we have achieved the things we thought we wanted. Why is this? Why do we constantly strive for more, more, more – and never quite feel we’ve ‘arrived’?
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What if we’re trying to fix our problems with more problems? What if there is something we’re not seeing?
What if we’ve forgotten to look into the underlying assumptions we make about life and missed the point entirely?
In this conversation with #1 Best Selling Author & Advanced Coach, Joshua Benavides talks about the nature of Reality itself and how we there is often a lot more to life than meets the eye.
Joshua explains that to gain greater freedom and creativity in our lives, we must explore the fabric of reality; of what we are really experiencing.
This interview explores the power of thought and how when we take a step back from the spinning of thoughts and belief systems in our minds, we discover something that has always been there, and is always, ever-present.
A deep and enlightening exploration.
Want more? Get The Full Presentation here (secrets Joshua only shares with clients) yours free
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What are your thoughts on looking at the fabric of reality and the nature of fear? Please share your wisdom here.
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