We’re living in a world that is full of tragic stories and shock and horror news reports.


If we’re not careful, we can easily get trapped in fear, anger and resentment and lose our peace – even if our own life is OK. If we’re not conscious, we can blindly get lured by the intensity of stories crafted from chaos, pain, and suffering.


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In this audio you will discover:

  • How can we deal with these events without getting tripped up in it all?
  • How can we find harmony and joy amid this bombardment of negativity?
  • What is really going on with the news?
  • Why do terrorists put on acts of terrorism?
  • What are the intentions of terrorist groups?
  • What are the intentions of the news groups who cover the stories?
  • What is the best way to respond?
  • And what about all the things that are NOT covered in the news that are essential?


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