Discover Your Unique Soul Purpose & Fulfill Your True Calling
Watch this entire video to discover:
- The Current Call of the Times
- How to Break Free from the 3 Major Roadblocks that Can Keep Spiritual, Empathic People Trapped
- How You Can Discover your Unique Soul Purpose and Begin Living Your Awakened Life

Discover Your Unique Soul Purpose and Fulfill Your True Calling
Your Awakened Life starts with discovering your Unique Soul Purpose. Watch this entire video to discover:
- The Current Call of the Times
- How to Break Free from the 3 Major Roadblocks that Can Keep Spiritual, Empathic People Trapped
- How You Can Discover your Unique Soul Purpose and Begin Living Your Awakened Life
Now, it’s your time to share and make this real.
Tell Us: What is your calling/passion?
Share your answer below and begin experiencing shifts. When we bring consciousness to what our true calling/passion is, we invoke our Unique Soul Purpose and bring our Awakened Life closer to reality.
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My purpose in life is to help people develope and grow and as a result of that live happy, peaceful and fulfilling lives.
Love your videos so much!
Much love ❤️,
Everyday I wake up now with the same goal…To be a good human being…and help encourage others that are struggling and remind them that they are going to be ok. There was a time when I could not do this even for myself and the pain in my soul seemed unbearable. And I will forever be grateful for the kind words of encouragement from others that kept me going, that reminded me that I was going to be ok. If I can help one person not give up or help one person feel better in their soul then my pain and suffering was not for nothing. My pain is my purpose.
Thank you for being there for others, I would love to speak with you about the awakened academy and how I can share my story. I’m trying to write a book about my journey through addiction bUT I don’t know where to start.
My calling as an empath and healer under the guidance of the Lord is to reach out to those who are hurting around me, meet them where they are at and bring them forward into their own path of healing and prosperity. Just as I have done in my own life.
I envision helping people around the world through online and in person meetings. I see the best in people and bring out their innate abilities. I am here to inspire others to believe in their true, eternal selves – beings of freedom, joy and peace by experiencing their true nature through energetic connection, meditation and guided imagery.
I believe my callings is to to help individuals; whether it be through spiritual counseling, writibg a book, or just support, I feel deeply that is where I am suppose to be.
Watching your videos and listening to how much truth and authenticity the two of you emanate makes me calm, like I’m sitting next to a river and everything just flows beautifully in this chaotic world. I’m still working my way through what my purpose really is, and are asking for guidance and clarity every day. I love working with different foods and learning how it contributes to raising our vibration and restoring our physiology (and psychology) to optimum functionality and how it should be. You could say I like playing with my food. 🙂
I have a thirst for learning how the ancients lived and what they knew with regards to consciousness and holistic health etc and the REAL truth of our potential and who and what we really are up until all this knowledge had been twisted and corrupted and humanity has been kept in the dark and been deceived for so many years. I want to bring this truth to people so there is just less confusion and more understanding because I believe if the building blocks of knowledge is build on truth, the real truth, there will already be so much less suffering and so much more hope in becoming the best versions of ourselves. I feel I’m getting closer to truth and understanding every day, little by little, and it gives me confidence. There is so much I still have to learn of course but love this process, I’m still a baby in all of this, but I feel the veil is lifting day by day for me, really thankful for this and for listening to you two.
Estelle, so lovely to connect, and sit next to a calm river with you. 🙂
Your heart is deep and true… I appreciate hearing your true desire.
We, too, value truth, the real truth, of who we are, and the true knowledge of this human story… we definitely weave that into Awakened Academy’s Spiritual Life Coach Certification and Sacred Business Academy. I also feel that no real change and leadership can occur from a place of falsehood/ego and misidentity. If we want to create real change in ourselves and the lives of others, we must know ourselves and come from very solid ground. This is what we’ve spent 10+ years putting together at Awakened Academy, an experience that takes you to the core of yourself, the core of your dharma, and empowers you to share it in the real world. 🙂 I encourage you to set up you 90 Day Awakened Blueprint Plan Call with Kathy.
So good to hear from you.
These videos are amazing with lots of beautiful content, so many useful guidelines, definitely motivating and …… funny too 🙂
So feeling greatful and inspired! <3 <3
My calling is to really BE someone, to find my truth and help others find theirs…. I love meditation, knowledge, coaching, learning, teaching, hatha-yoga, juices, music, dance, nature….<3
🙂 beautiful Veeke
loving your clarity, heart and spirit coming through your words
My passion is related to creating beautiful environment and space where everybody would feel welcome like a dearest guest\good old friend and where their weared minds could rest and heart would sing. Be it a cafe with nourishing foods/atmosphere/music and events or a shop with the most beatiful local organic foods or early morning activities\exercises to ignite a day in the nearest park or my building rooftop for anyone who wants to join.
Many thanks for being such an inspiration, Michael and Arielle!
Daina, how lovely this is. Beauty, warmth and love emanate from your words. It sounds like you are a very intuitive nurturer – a soul who comforts hearts. Keep going with this… you have gifts to share.
Thank you, Arielle, this is very heartwarming. Some time ago a wise teacher told me ‘you’re a heart opener’. It lighted me up even though i did not really understsnd the meaning. Now, im coming closer to grasping it..much love to you both, wonderful souls!
You are a heart opener. <3
What a Awesome video with amazing insights, tools, & wisdom ~from two Beautiful Awesome light bringers & spirits !! Thank you for sharing & delivering some truly powerful & inspiring very helpful guidance !! Extremely useful & rite on !!! Thank you for all the Love & Light !! My calling ~I feel is to shine and bring out the best in people & help them bring out the best in themselves ~thru healing modalities & communication ! wishing you Both The Very Best !!
Love Light & Blessings to all ! Elle
Elle, you bring out the best in people, it’s true. You are always shining and beaming with love and joy. This is really great to feel your Calling, bringing out the best in people through healing and communication… excited to continue seeing it unfold into form. So much love.
Love hanging out here , and love your videos! Thank you for creating and sharing so high quality content :)) Much love
Love you being here! Glad you are enjoying, beautiful Lydia. We love you.
My calling is I feel such compassion for people and I see the soul of them and the good in them and that each one deserves the very very best in life. I want to help people discover their worth and their power and help them receive all they truly deserve which is the best. I wrote something years ago that expresses this.
Yes, we as brothers, with our candles lighted, went down to the depths of hell and we prayed for all.
To be able to pulled others from their own personal hell and into a life of love and happiness while I indeed pull my own self out of my own is true power
Rachashael, this is very well said. It is indeed time to bring ourselves back to our true power, and from that place, uplift others in the way we’re here to. Your heart is so big! You are a powerful soul. Practice repeating that to yourself, as it refills the self with truth. “I am a powerful soul.” Say it in your mind, write it down on paper numerous times. I know that as you continue to renew yourself, you will be helping many, many, many others. Love you.