Pull Back The Curtain & Get An Inside Look Into Our Version of The Awakened Life
Watch this entire video to discover exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ footage into a freedom-based lifestyle where you can do what you love, be true to yourself, make a difference and get paid.
You’ll discover beginning steps on how you can:
• become a high-paid coach
• become a best-selling author
• create videos and digital products
• and (most important) love your life

Pull Back The Curtain & Get An Inside Look Into “The Awakened Life”
Watch this video to discover exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ footage on how to become a high-paid coach, best-selling author, and how to create videos and digital products. All of this is possible while living a freedom-based lifestyle & having a lot of fun. Enjoy!
Now, it’s your turn to share.
What is your personal version of your Awakened/Dream Life?
Share your Vision below and be supported in bringing it to life.
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I am eager to ascend into my highest levels of consciousness
I am committed to creating my awakened life because it IS my life, and my reason for being. I have struggled through challenging times and depression and feeling lost, without a purpose and worthless to continuing on. Though I know deep down, I am meant to uncover my light and shine it in order to guide others on their path in this lifetime. I want to help others and lift this planet up into higher vibrations, I just haven’t fully figured out how to do this…but I am learning and growing everyday in hopes of finding the dream awakened life of mine <3
Hi beautiful people x My name is Sharon and I just like to help people including myself to live a more simpler and fulfilling life. To love one another and help each other to grow. To be authentic and true to myself is to serve others. I have a degree in social work and I’m person centered counselling level 1 and 2 trained. I haven’t had an easy life and being empathic and putting others before myself has often meant I come last. I’m 41 today and I want to change all that. Your video has found me and watching it gives me a hunger to return to meditation instead of weekly now daily and to learn more about life coaching. Thankyou I look forward to more from you and I hope in return I can share my experience s with you x
Dear Arielle and Michael,
Thank you for the beautiful video. My awakened life is like this recent experience. A few weeks ago I got the inspiration to travel to Ibiza to follow a week of yoga class. I looked on internet and the last spot available was to arrive the next day. I booked my ticket and took the plane the next morning. I met lovely people in an old house in a beautiful bay. Next day two girls and i would like to go to a market. Another guest offered to bring us with his car. There was live music. About enlightment. We danced. After that i passed an awakened soul, we looked eachother in the eyes for a long time, pure love. I said that he was pure love. He said, i am just a reflecting of you. He touched me deep by his eyes. He said, everything is there, nothing missing. We hugged and i went back to the sanga. That afternoon i fell hard on my face during yoga class, i was dizzy and emotional. I was helped by a couple of wonderful souls that conforted me, gave homeopathy and reiki. Not only could i let go of a lot of stress form earlier, i also felt i could totally surrender and rely on the universe and right people at right time. I recovered very quickly and could recieve this experience as a healing and connecting experience, even when it shaked me in the first place. When we did the Full moon ceremony, we shared what we wanted to get rid of. And i realised i wanted to get rid of nothing. Acceptance and transform that fear into love. That is my mantra now.
I love to inspire and comfort other people. For years i comforted and inspired people but never on a money base. It feels like love is not for sale. So I do not know how to make things more concrete, practical, and would like to learn more about that.
Hello! My Awakened Life consists of me taking more time for me to be grounded and centered in order to be able to give my life force out to the world. I know my calling and my purpose.. I know I have several books I want/need to write. I have wanted to be a life coach for several years now and my desire just keeps growing and getting stronger. I want to share my loving, creative, generous, uplifting spark with those around me and share in meaningful communication and introspective learning experiences to my clients
My Awakened Life is to heal the wounds of self-sabotaging loll and to reconnect with my inner beauty, inner peace and full potential.
Create, Love, Serve, Play, Laugh, Laugh and Play ; ) Travel, Cross ocean with sailboat,
Live a meaningful life and make a difference for others.
The abundance is coming from everywhere and I sharing it. I’m more often surrender by nature, I’m that I’m + a beautiful radiant being spreading joy and love.
Still be grateful and open to the wonder of synchronicity
Ceci ou quelque chose de mieux est en voie de réalisation, pour mon bien et le bien des personnes concernés!
First off, what a beautifully done video. Congratulations on your awakened lives and success. For myself, I see continuing to share my spiritual insights and experiences on a larger scale; workshops, seminars…reaching many people at once and exchanging the vast energies of shared beliefs. I’d like to one day use my many difficult experiences to inspire others, infusing them with the knowledge that they too can overcome what I have. As well as general sharing of my beliefs that we do create our own realities, I am a clairvoyant, medium and I’d like to expand my business. Perhaps not giving so many free readings and feeling I can charge for sharing is a first step. :-). I’m also a visual artist and see that business growing. I live the idea of writing and creating e-learning courses but haven’t really known how to go about it. I see my awakened life as one of contentment, growth and of sharing so many beautiful concepts while traveling with my amazing 15 year old daughter.
Whew… I can’t wait! 🙂
Hello my name Rosalba I pesonally went through an illness that helped me realize my soul purpose. That illness was actually a blessing in my life. I would like to mentor people and help them I really enjoy doing that.
My awakened life would be to share my love and light. Find my souls purpose and connect with nature and my Divine through prayer, meditation and the universe.
My awakened life means having the freedom to be deeply connected: with myself, with nature, with the universe, with life itself. I am here to help shift consciousness, help bring others into the new way of life, new way of being. . I am here to show others what divine love is and bring that into being with everything that I do and am. I want to bring that love into service by being an inspiration to others. I want to show others the light of their own being, and that everything they seek outside themselves is already within their own souls. I want to show others the path back to themselves and help them on that journey by being a witness, a guide and a loving support system. I also inspire to reach millions through inspiring and uplifting books. I want to help others to find their way out of the dark and into the light of their own soul. I want to help others find their way home, without thinking that only comes after death. My awakened life also frees me up to travel and explore Mother Gaia, to go to places where my presense is needed energetically. I inspire to live on my own time and not the time the matrix sets for me. I live by the beat of my own drum, I transcend time and space, and thus living in the matrix suffocates me. Lastly, my awakened life feeds my soul daily and grows me in ways nothing else can, and in this I am free. <3
Wow and thank you. This video is so inspiring. I have just sat and given gratitude to the universe for everything I have and for my new and prosperous career helping others find happiness. I literally checked my Facebook a couple of minutes later and saw “how to become a life coach”. This video came up!!!! The universe instantly gave me what I needed. I have had a very difficult year and recently decided to open myself up to the universe to help me move on and enjoy life whilst helping others. I currently work as a mental health nurse in the uk and as you can imagine this is a very stressful job. This stress has impacted on most aspects of my life and I am ready to release this stress from my life. I do however always want to help people to find peace and happiness as helping people is the part of my job that I love. I can not wait to watch more of your videos. You guys are so calming and send out such a beautiful energy. Xxx
Hi Jennie,
What a sweet soul you are. Lovely to be in touch. Love how a Higher Power synchronized our meeting. 🙂 We truly hope to help you in moving into a flow with your current work/shifting your work to be more supportive for your wellbeing and happiness too. We hope you enjoy the rest of the videos, and look forward to connecting more. Thank you for being you and the work you’re doing. Lots of love. Arielle
Congratulations for great, beautiful and inspiring video with lots of interesting information!
My dream for an awakened life is to be a successful and well-paid coach, helping others grow and unfold. being of service for the new world arriving.
Living a life of freedom, health, love and joy – spending time in nature with lovely friends, having lots of sea and sun.
Veeke, so good to hear from you Angel. Seeing you fully experiencing this flourishing life – it is done. You are one of the best coaches I can think of, given your depth of wisdom and compassion. Being of service to the new world arriving is your most natural way. Thank you for being here sweet friend.
Hi Arielle, thank you so much for your enlightened response. Jan and I really love what Michael and you are doing, your refreshing, artful and authentic style.
We have similar spiritual roots 🙂
I adore to teach meditation and some beautiful souls come to my classes and take a lot of benefit.
My next step is how to make a living out of it ( or coaching ).
I would love to see my wish come true 🙂 Love Veeke
We love you and Jan, dear spiritual family.
May your elevated wish come true!
It is from the heart and for a higher good.
Powerful thoughts:
“All knowledge and information I need to live my full Awakened Life has emerged in my mind. I am a transformative coach and make a great living doing it.”
“I do transformative coaching for a living. I serve so many souls.”
“I do powerful spiritual service and I bring so many souls to the One.”
Thank you
You’re welcome angel!
Thank you for this short video that holds so much promise and hope. I was given a death sentence Nov. 5th 2012, by a medical doctor. Through the grace of God my husband and I walked out of the doctors office. I’m 70 yrs old and I strongly feel I still have so much to offer to others. I am in the process of writing my miracle story. It needs to be heard. I truly feel it does not matter how old you are there is still so much to give and accomplish. Our biggest dream is to travel all over God’s beautiful earth and to still the moment of this beauty through the lens of a camera and journal as we travel. Money is coming into our bank accounts in great abundance of different currencies. My intimate dream is to wake up every morning just before the colors of a sunrise with the sound of ocean waves, and simply walk out on the soft white beach sand, taking in deep breath of the sweet salty breeze giving back through prayers my love of His Glory. Thank you for being an inspiration to others. I will follow through with my book forthcoming Spring 2017
Giovanna, congratulations great soul – what a story you have! I, too, feel this needs to be heard – and fully encourage and celebrate your miracle book – congrats for having a date of spring 2017 for it! Seeing you fully living your awakened life – all the beauty – internally and externally – and yes, staying connected to the One, the Sweet Beloved, always in your heart. Much love to you dear one.