The Introvert’s Guide To A Successful, Happy Life In An Extraverted World
Watch this video to learn how to join the world of “the modern successful introvert”


Win FREE Lifetime Access To
Softly Powerful ($47 value)

We are giving away free lifetime access to Softly Powerful “The Introvert’s Guide To A Successful, Happy Life In An Extraverted World” to the special soul who gets the most points in our special giveaway contest.

This is a results based contest, meaning you control your destiny… anyone has a real chance to win!

Step 1 – Enter you name & email below.

Step 2 – Share our contest page to earn points.

Step 3 – Earn the most points and WIN!


Contest Details

How It Works

Once you sign up, you’ll be given a special referral link along with a set of social share buttons.

To earn points in the contest, you’ll share our page (the one you are on now) using your links.

The contestant with the most total points at the end of the contest will win free lifetime access to the Softly Powerful Course.

Everything is tracked and monitored automatically. You’ll receive email updates on your personal score along with notifications every time someone signs up via your link.

Step 1 – Enter you name & email.

Step 2 – Share our contest page to earn points.

Step 3 – Earn the most points and WIN!

Contest Rules

You must only use YOUR personal tracking link in order for your referrals to be counted toward your score.

This contest period will end on ____________. The winner will be announced within 48 hours after that time.

Points Structure

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-2″ wrap=”i”]  You earn 10 points instantly just for signing up!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-2″ wrap=”i”]  You earn 5 points for sharing on social networks
(each network you share on earns 5 points per network)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-2″ wrap=”i”]  You earn 10 points for every person who signs up to the contest via your referral link or share.

This contest is free to enter. No purchase required. The contest period will end on _________. The winner will be announced within 48 hours of that time. The winner will receive a lifetime access to the “Softly Powerful Course” ($47 Value). We reserve the right to deny a selected winner if we suspect fraudulent activity. If this happens, the contestant with he next highest score will be selected as the winner. For more information regarding the contest, please contact us at info@awakenedacademy.com