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Story time: Our honest, vulnerable stories from being completely trapped into a life of freedom, wealth and joy.

Watch this entire video to discover the 3 ‘unseen’ worlds we all pass through on our journey to freedom. We share this through our own honest stories – real and raw.

You’ll discover:

  • The 3 worlds – The Trap, The Illusion, and The Awakened Life
  • You’ll see how we personally passed through the Trap and the Illusion and what it took to get to our Awakened Life
  • How you, too, can arrive in your Awakened Life

Story time: Find out our honest, vulnerable stories towards freedom

Watch this entire video to discover the 3 ‘unseen’ worlds we all pass through on our journey to freedom. We share this through our own honest stories – real and raw.

You’ll discover:

  • The 3 worlds – The Trap, The Illusion, and The Awakened Life
  • You’ll see how we personally passed through the Trap and the Illusion and what it took to get to our Awakened Life
  • How you, too, can arrive in your Awakened Life

Now, for an important moment.
It’s your turn to share and make this real.

Tell Us: Why are you committed to creating your awakened life?

Share your answer below and begin to see some shifts. When we bring consciousness to what is meaningful to us and why, we create a powerful energy to bring our Awakened Life to reality.

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  1. Molly Dinan

    Hi there 🙂 Love and blessings for the amazing beautiful videos ❤️ I struggled with eating disorders and addictions for many years as well..i felt a deep connection with both your stories I am committed to living an awakened life because I know deep down..that’s what we are all here to do..that’s our mission..to connect with that source and allow that love to flow. I am committed to becoming a spirit of love and my truth for my two beautiful young sons. I feel a deep yearning to be of service to my community and help others who have endured similar struggles. Love and blessings you you both..thanks for sharing your beautiful message molly

  2. Jessica Allender

    I am committed to awakening my life because I have so much more to offer myself my family and the people I can help. There are so many people in the world that stay hidden off to the side because all thow they have impacted lives helped everyone they could and did do wonder’s for people that could not voice for themselves they still fill a calling for a connection with someone that might be able to understand them so they don’t fill so alone in a world full of peothere And I would love to learn to be more spiritual and free and to teach other woman the same thing. A lot of times we as mothers, caretaker’s, nurses, wife’s are so busy taking care of everyone else we forget about are self’s to the point of we don’t even know who we are anymore or even what we would enjoy doing anymore because we lose are self’s in everyone else. I want to help who ever has lost themselves taking care of everyone else. Women elderly anyone one that fills lost and alone and to show them there’s hope theirs a higher power God something more out there what ever they choose to call it that will always be by their side and that their is always hope for tomorrow. Hopefully that makes since and I just love you guy your awesome Thank you

  3. Dena Irby

    I am committed to learning about awakening my life but it is not for the monterary value. I want to learn to help others through spiritual avenues to better their lives with guidance and prayer, meditation, or what the One brings to me to share with that indivudual.

  4. Marshall

    Interesting, I’ve actually had your website the awakened academy open on my homepage for 6 months and not watch a single video. I am sure that now is the time to choose the life I want to live instead of being presented with paths that are not so appealing and that others have created. My path will be a product of the burning desire that resides within me.

    • Arielle Hecht

      Hi dear Marshall, that is really interesting! Sometimes we bring things in early, and then soon we are ready to receive them. Glad you are here :-). Looking forward to hearing more about your awakened life path, stay in touch and let us know what comes to your mind for your awakened life and we’ll love to help. Much love, Arielle

  5. Sarah

    Thank you for sharing your story. I although you do not know me your work has helped me so very much to improve my life. I am very grateful.

    I was born with violet eyes and a very awakened soul. I would see and channel messages from spirit, fairies and angels. I knew who my parents were from my previous life and could hear and understand many languages. So my life as a small child was very content even though there was turmoil. I could always see and feel the shield of light around me. I was initiated as a shaman at the age of seven.

    My life growing up was very traumatic. However I now realise that perhaps that is why Spirit choose to initiate me then as my life drastically changed for the worse. Where I had been encouraged by spirit to give guidance, this constantly annoyed my mother. If I was seen brushing my hair or taking care of my appearance I was belittled. I was told I was a liar and received only verbal abuse or violence. I was never hugged, praised or talked to much, if I was sick I was mostly ignored.

    Luckily I spent most of my time alone in nature, my fathers idea to help cope with being sensitive was to beat or scream verbal abuse until I showed no fear or emotion. I have a very painful memory of being on a paper round, my father followed in the car and throwing newspapers at me whilst screaming profanities. To this day I don’t have the words to describe the deep shame of myself I felt. Knowing that cry and run away weren’t options, my heart was pounding. I could hardly move the pedals on my bike. People were looking out of the windows at the noise. At that time all I could do was bide my time and I knew one day I would leave.

    My school life was no better I was bullied all throughout. I had no idea that I was a beautiful person or kind gentle, and loveable. My parents always taught me that there was something wrong with me.

    I created a world that reflected that. I was dropped off at the YMCA by my mum at 16 and told to get on with my life and so it was.

    I came back to a spiritual life after a very unusual experience with pregnancy. I changed my diet from vegetarian to raw food. Learned amazing spiritual practices. I became part of an enlightend ascension team and dedicated 10 years to bringing in energy and necessary alignments for the earth prior the mass awakening. After years of being in what I thought was service, my whole world collapsed and the path that I had thought I was on disintegrated. I held on to hope that my prior teachings would stand me in good stead it barely kept me sustained. I realised that there was something wrong and that I now had to go so much deeper and everything got worse. For many months I felt like I was screaming from deep within myself and, the intense energy that has been broadcasting in the world has been overwhelming, I barely survived.

    So I practiced the eternal freedom course amongst other things and slowly had some relief. The more I surrendered and the less attached I was how things appeared I progressed. However this was not enough to channel the energy and to be in service. The person I needed to become was so far a reflection from who I was at that time. My voice still frozen from my many traumatic experiences i believed I was broken and was ready to quit.

    My big turning point came this summer when I was guided to love myself first and do my life purpose for myself. I was so shocked i couldn’t accept the guidance at first or know how to implement it. I was shown all the ways that my life wasn’t aligned, where I had abused myself, and I am still fine tuning it. It has been the hardest task ever …..

    Part of my mission is to awaken others, in a creative way the other part is to teach about healing and the impact of past lives. The details of how and what that looks like are up to God, I am in service to the highest good for all, how may I serve is the only question that can quell the strange discomfort at not making a difference.

    • Arielle Hecht

      from the sounds of it… you’re a human angel – with so much light to share. I’m personally excited to support you in detoxing all that other ‘stuff’… that really doesn’t belong to you. This turning point this summer of loving yourself first and do your life purpose for yourself, is profound. I feel it’s completely aligned with why we’re connecting in this space, at this time, here! We’re definitely here to help you become completely free, and life your true purpose, from the core of your own heart and self love. I’m excited that you’re here to help awaken others. May you move forward in complete alignment with the highest good for all. It’s happening. 🙂

  6. Veeke Verstraete

    I am comitted to create a highly awakened life,
    because I love freedom
    because I want to live from what I really love doing, serving myself, others and the world
    because, after working in fashion, I wish to create a more enlightened income
    because I do not want to serve the old system anymore
    because these are such special times and I would love to reach my full potential
    because I want to grow, learn & share
    because it is time for a shift for many souls in the world
    because I want to do an elevated task

    • Arielle Hecht

      powerful, powerful. Thank you powerful soul!
      These words are creating ripples of Truth and Higher Consciousness in the atmosphere. May it be so.

  7. Michele

    I am at a painful place in my life right now, suffering from heartbreak. Tears are falling down my face as I write this. They fell down as I watched the video. I “know” all of these things, yet I continue to spin the wheel. I am committed to creating my awakened life because I believe it is possible. I believe that there is a beautiful purpose to my life, I am asking the universe for assistance in growth. Thank you Michael and Arielle for your commitment to the highest intentions and vibrations, thank you for shining such light. Thank you for your support.

    • Arielle Hecht

      Michele, such courage and heart you have! To share this with us so truthfully, so honestly, is speaks mountains about what a great soul you are. There is undoubtedly a beautiful purpose to your life, and you are being supported in discovering it! All flows in perfect timing, and the experiences and lessons you’ve had up until now have been exactly what you needed… to shape you with the persistence, compassion and love you’ve come here to share, in the unique way you have. I’m so excited for your next chapter to emerge for you, as it is clearly time. We love you.

  8. Rachashael Gates

    Thank you for your amazing stories. I know that road and so many times I have fallen down on that road and many more. But I, like you, have been traveling toward the light. I knew i wanted an awakened life when I saw mine fall apart as well as others crumble to the ground. I stumble and get up again and before I leave this world, I intend to win and help many others win. I want to see my son and grandchildren live that kind of life. I serve now but definitely want to serve in a different way. I saw a framed black and white picture of an old old typewriter today in a thrift store and it smiled at me so I bought it (25 cents but oh so cool) to remind me of the goals I have.

    Much love❤️

    • Arielle Hecht

      Rachashael, beautiful soul, you are. You are clearly a powerhouse, there is no doubt about it! You are destined for great work, and I know the work you’ve been doing has simply been preparing you for it. I am personally overjoyed to see this next chapter unfold for you, because it is clear as day that you are destined for powerful service in the world. We’re here to support you all the way. We love you. (And way to go with the typewriter picture… start writing!).

  9. Larissa Black

    I am committed to creating my awakened life so my family and I can live a life of freedom. I am determined to find ways to create financial security for my family and I by doing work that resonates and is in harmony with my gifts. I pray for a life of health, happiness, peace, wealth, abundance and security.

    I am highly sensitive and creative and have been through the horrors of traumas and addictions. I have been to spiritual peaks and dark nights of the soul. To be brutally honest, I have been frozen in fear for too long. I am ready to move forward… to do what it takes to break through and more fully live my purpose for the betterment of myself, family and all of humanity.

    • Arielle Hecht

      This is very powerful Larissa. I can feel your sincerity through your words. When we don’t give up, success will be ours. You’re attitude of keeping going, and determination is the key ingredient. May it be so, your life of health, happiness, peace, wealth, abundance and security. Being highly sensitive isn’t easy (I understand :-)), and the peaks and dark nights are intense and can be de-stabilizing. Yet, your courage to still be here, to really go for it now, is evidence of the great soul you are and the great work you’re here to do. Very excited for these next steps for you.

    • Sara Sandin

      I have been searching almost my whole adulthood for a way to serve other people while at the same time having a wonderful life with inner peace and balance. I feel very passionate about growing spiritually and helping other people to do the same. It is my lifes purpose and I feel that my Soul can not rest until I begin to do just that. A tremendous thanks to you for offering the Awakened Academy to this world!

      All the best!


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